The Flyrod
by Captain Jim Barr on 05/07/12When angling in salt water, in my view not much beats catching striped bass on a flyrod. Yeah, I will use a spinning rod if I have to, and surfcasting?- well in my view that's right up there with watching sailboat races from shore. No, from where I sit a flyrod puts a real challenge into the game. No telephone pole, no goofy plastic baits and clunky plugs... but personally tied fly patterns imitating the natural bait, presented with a 9ft 9weight, 3 1/4 ounce rod. Pure excitement when you see the fly line go tight, feel the weight of the fish, strip-strike the hook home, watch the rod arc forward and feel the head shakes telegraphed through the line into the rod and into your wrist. Wow!
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